Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Integrate Robot Framework with Eclipse

Robot Framework generally use RIDE tool for automating cases, but it happens that many users of Eclipse tool does not like other tool to use.

Here are the few simple steps to integrate Robot Framework with Eclipse:

In order to use Robot Framework we need to install python in system and then have Robot Framework installed.

Refer my post Installing Robot Framework with Python(an interpreter) using 'Selenium2Library' as library to know about Python installation.

Note: Though we can use many scripting language with Robot Framework  like Jython(Java) IronPython(.net platform) etc. but we are considering python in this article.

Get the Eclipse and start it, It should be compatible with Operating system.

Now go to Eclipse  Run menu and select External Tool option and select sub menu named "External Tool Configurations".

Clicking on External Tools Configuration will open one window. Select Program option.

Now It will open new program configuration form. Give any name to this configuration.

Under location field we will give path of pybot.bat file(You can find pybot file in script folder in python directory).

For "Working directory field" select you working directory.

For "Arguments" field give ${selected_resource_loc} as argument.

Now click on apply button and we are ready to run Robot file in eclipse.

To verify go to run configuration menu and click on it.

You will see pybot option added to the list. Now select any test suit and click on pybot option.

It will start executing the suit you are running.

-- Please drop your comments below if you have any query regarding information I have mentioned here.